Corporate culture

1.Corporate Vision:Do the strongest industry to create a hundred years of foundation

2.Corporate Mission:Work together, keep pace with The Times, build a better Sheng and home

3.Business philosophy:To be a person, to do things sincerely, to do business with the letter, harmonious coexistence

4.Employment mechanism:External induction and internal training, due to material application, learn from others, competition

5.Management mode: Management innovation, technological innovation, mechanism innovation, full staff growth

6.Management policy:Quality is always a veto

                     The cost is never finished

                     Do not focus on innovation

                     Do not pay attention to quality

7.Core values:Customer achievement, hard work, self-criticism

                                Open and enterprising, sincere and trustworthy, teamwork

8.Three positions of the company:Stand in the position of the party and the country

                            Stand in the customer's position

                            Stand for the company and employees

9.Six principles of enterprise: Seek truth from facts as the principle

                              To safeguard the interests of the company as the principle

                              Company documents, mechanisms as the principle

                              Take healthy lifestyle as the principle

                              Hold each other up for the principle

                              On the principle of mutual cooperation

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